As part of the government-funded national initiative AI Competence for Sweden, Umeå University is developing and giving a short course on AI for health and healthcare. The course is open for participants working in healthcare.
Dates: to be decided.
Place: TBD
The course will give an overview of the foundations of eHealth and Medical Informatics that are increasingly becoming based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), including research methodologies. The purpose of the course is to provide the student the opportunity to apply new knowledge in theme discussions and explore, partly hands-on, the potentials in developing and applying digital tools, which are relevant to the student´s daily work. The following themes will be included: AI-based interventions; design and development of ”behaviour change systems” and decision-support systems; the professional’s perspective: change of work practices when introducing new digital tools; and the citizen’s perspective on digital aids for health, e.g., ethics, equality, equity, autonomy, self-management.
The lecturing parts of the course take place during two course meetings 2 days separated by two-four weeks. Throughout the course teaching and learning will take place through lecturing, laboratory assignments, workshops and seminars. Assignments to be completed between the two course weeks will be given.
The course is examined individually through active participation in lectures, seminars and presentations and requires a pass grade on an individual written assignment. The student will receive a certificate when passing the course, no formal course credits will be given during 2021.
A preliminary schedule is the following:
Day 1: Theme: improving function, ability and health
9.00-16.00 Human-centered AI and AI-based health interventions; Behaviour Change Systems and Persuasive Technology
Day 2: Theme: changing profession
9.00-17.00 : Knowledge representation, terminologies and standards;Decision support systems and national guidelines; New professional roles
Day 3: Theme: Citizen’s perspective
9.00-17.00 : Design methods and principles for, and co-creation of AI-based applications
Day 4: Theme: How to move forwards
9-14.15: Follow up on homework