Sept 26, 2018: Tutorial on Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems

Tutorial by Prof. Cesar A. Tacla
Depto. Acadêmico de Informática (DAINF)
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR/Curitiba), Brazil.

Title: Goal Processing – A practical approach using AgentSpeak/JASON

Date: Sep 26.

Time:  9.00 – 12.00,  it includes a coffee break from 10.00 to 10.30.

Place:  Seminar Room by the MIT Place MIT-huset

The aim of this short-tutorial is to introduce topics related to goal processing in one of the many existing languages for agent-oriented programming (JASON). In the first part, we briefly present concepts related to BDI agents capable of performing practical reasoning: goal types, types of commitment to intentions, and conflicting goals. In the second part, we present how such concepts are implemented in JASON by programming, customizing or extending JASON.
Finally, we discuss some limitations of agent-programming languages when faced to the various elements we expect the agents represent and reason about.

Cesar Augusto Tacla is a Professor at UTFPR (Curitiba, Brazil), at the Department of Informatics, and he is the leader of the research group MEMENTO. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, in 2003, and Master of Sciences from the Federal Technological University of Paraná State (Brazil) in 1993. Current research interests include argumentation applied to goal processing in multiagent systems, persuasive negotiation and consensual decision taking. Other interests are in knowledge engineering, modeling and reasoning using ontologies. He has coordinated and participated of various research projects involving multiagent systems in manufacturing simulation and scheduling, ontologies and computer supported collaborative work. He was the Head of Department of Informatics from 2012 to 2014 and an elected member of the University Council from 2014 to 2017.